At the time Vectra hired Lumina, there was one perceived “giant” in the market: Darktrace. Vectra needed to gain visibility and brand recognition in a space that was being dominated by this one main rival, while at the same time establishing differentiation in a hyper competitive infosec market as a whole. There has since been an influx of other competitors, but Vectra is still seen as one of the globally recognized leaders in the industry.
media relations process in this way allowed the team to quickly respond to journalist inquiries and not miss deadlines.
Additionally, the team determined that Vectra could get a “bigger bang for their buck” by separating out the research reports into monthly, quarterly, and bi-annual reports. The reports were broken down by industry verticals so that the team could reach larger, more targeted audiences. Previously, the PR team had been pitching these reports out at RSA and Black Hat, two busy security industry conferences where journalist availability was at a premium. Lumina determined that these reports should be released immediately prior to the shows so that media had fresh research to use in their conference coverage, as well as standalone coverage secured prior to the events. After initial hesitation, the Vectra team came onboard with the Lumina PR approach.By breaking down the research reports into more frequent, targeted pieces of collateral, the team was able to reach specific vertical markets where the research findings were of keen interest. Vectra research reports soon became widely anticipated by the media.
Lumina secured more than 300 pieces of media coverage in the first year of the program, and more than 450 pieces of coverage in the second year of the program. This coverage included Vectra feature coverage, Q&As, guest contributions, rapid response/newsjacking, and coverage of Vectra research reports.With the help of Lumina, Vectra was featured in more top tier publications than they had been in all previous years combined.
Vectra achieved frequent mentions in the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Financial Times, MarketWatch, The Guardian and more in the business press, coupled with greater frequency of coverage in the security trade and technology press including TechCrunch, VentureBeat, Dark Reading, SC Magazine, Security Week, Infosecurity Magazine, Threatpost and more. This widespread visibility enabled Vectra to grow exponentially as Vectra executives became the “go-to” sources for key leading journalists.
- Edison Awards – The Cognito Platform by Vectra named the Silver winner of the “Security & Compliance Platforms” award category.
- Cybersecurity Excellence Awards – Vectra named winner of 7 award categories.
- Gold Winner (Cognito) – Artificial Intelligence Security
- Gold Winner (Cognito) – AWS Cloud Security
- Gold Winner (Cognito) – Security Analytics
- Gold Winner (Cognito) – Threat Detection, Intelligence and Response
- Gold Winner (Cognito Recall) – Threat HuntingoSilver Winner (Cognito Detect) – Security Automation
- Bronze Winner – Best Cybersecurity Company
- 2020 SC Awards – Vectra named finalist in “Best Computer Forensic Solution” award category.
- Cyber Defense Global Awards – Vectra named winner of “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” category
- 2020 SC Awards Trust Awards Finalists – Vectra honored as “Best Computer Forensic Solution” finalist
- Business Intelligence Group’s 2019 Public Relations and Marketing Excellence Awards – Vectra named winner of “Campaign of the Year”
- Jennifer Wang honored in SC Magazine’s annual Women in Security: As a leading woman in cyber security, Jennifer Wang was honored, and asked to write an op-ed, highlighting the need for more women to join the cyber security workforce
- Vectra won for Best Cloud Security Service in the 2019 Stratus Award: Vectra was honored for changing the way we communicate, conduct business and interact with the world.
- DiDi Dayton honored as CRN Woman Channel of the Year: Vectra channel executive recognized as a global leader and one of CRN’s “Power 100”.